URTH 4050,
Urth 4050, is a 3D video animation piece that speculatively fabulates a version of earth in the year 4050. The narrative of this video art work is derived from a character who is functioning as a tour guide for time travelers visiting the planet. This narrative primarily serves as a poetic description of the possibilities of a more posthuman era, where humans are entangled even more directly and physically with technology, and technology with nature. It describes the evolution of the human into a new species or form, called the beauman which is essentially a cyborg. Human and nonhuman biology also morph within this narrative along with the environment itself and therefore alters notions of gender, sexuality, behavior, societal hierarchies, and biological processes such as reproduction. URTH 4050 is an experiment in imagining a more nonbinary, queer, interconnected world that aims to explore the role of digital media in humanity/posthumanity in the future.
Exhibited as part of Naturalezxs No Binarixs: Non-binary Nature,
a solo exhibition at Tangent Projects (2021)
a solo exhibition at Tangent Projects (2021)