“Mycorrhizae as Method: Feeling Out the Old Kent Road”
To be Published in Dandelion Journal, Creativity as Reparation special issue, in 2024.
This paper began as a way of thinking through the way that our walks in Burgess Park, in South East London during the COVID-19 Pandemic, which manifested into a sprawling mycorrhizae, a queer approach to researching and living that asked us to move without knowing, before we are sure, and ‘stay with the trouble’ of unpredictability. This project, which developed from thinking together and interacting with the more-than-human worlds on our walks, led us to museum exhibitions, more walks, foraging, long conversations surrounding death, ecology, queerness, and experimentations with practices such as making natural dyes, and eco-printing. Mychorrhizae as method became a queer approach to finding our way, thinking together, and co-creating art.